I'd like to invite all
Bank Genie,
Ideas Genie and
Flower Genie users to take part in this little project. Its something to do during lockdown while we stay at home, stay safe, protect the NHS (UK) and save lives.
Most of all, we are missing the warmth of our family and the precious time we share when our grandchildren visit and make us so happy (and wreck the place).
This project is all about bringing a smile to your face as you trawl though your collection of digital photos and videos and organising them using a quite wonderful bit of software.
Click on the
EXAMPLES links below for examples.
I'm very proud of
Bank Genie, but in this project you will use the latest development of
Ideas Genie to enjoy your photos.
You can also do this project in the latest version of
Flower GenieYou don't have to move photos, resize photos or rename photos. You simply find a photo anywhere on your computer and click a button to link them to your preferred group using this software.
The software?
We are offering a gratis 6 month licence and a download link for Ideas Genie Pro 6 (IG).
If you'd like to participate, send me an email to ask@bankgenie.net
Yes, both those software items are designed for people you love their plants and their gardens.
However, the photos program is entirely flexible and can be used by anyone with digital photos and videos - any subject!
In this project we will use it to organise photos of our friends and family.
Example 1:-
http://www.ideasforgardens.net/PhotosProject-2020/GA605S01-3.gifExample 2This next screenshot shows how Ideas Genie can be used to present your photos by Calendar Year:-
http://www.ideasforgardens.net/PhotosProject-2020/GA605S01-5.gifThe balloons give a brief description of how the dates are extracted from your photos and used to automatically slot them into calendar years.
With imagination, you will be able to use the software to do something similar for family events like weddings, graduations, holidays...
Next part of the project?
Using the same software, we will show you how to create Web Projects so you can share your photos over the internet.
Heres an example of that:
http://www.ideasforgardens.net/george/Daffodils-2020/NOTE:You can read about the latest versions of Ideas Genie and Flower Genie here:
http://www.ideasgenie.com/updates-IGPro6/whatsnew-igp6.htmland for Flower Genie: