Thank you for sending me your
Ideas Genie Pro 6 database Robert.
You've also sent me a number of "challenging cases" and we have worked together on those to test the
Ideas Genie Pro 6 software.
One case was solved by using the
Batch feature. I hope I have explained how to use Batches in the specimen profile screen
In the course of that testing, using the new program
Specimens-GA629 there have been a number of changes to
Ideas Genie Pro 6 lately.
To ALL members, if you have that software, please click the Help tab on your menu and run the program "Check for updates".
I'm now working on making changes to the Pots usage feature.
The Pots feature was designed for Bonsai use, where the rotation of one pot (usually an expensive and decorative item) was dedicated to hosting one Bonsai specimen at a time.
Now (download latest updates!!) that I have added all the Bonsai features to
Ideas Genie Pro 6 Robert has set challenges which involve using multiple smaller pots.
More program updates to follow...