In the UK, we have gardens
In the US, we have yards (took me a while to get used to that)
In Australia, Col and his fellow countrymen have "blocks"
Col moved to Perth,Western Australia from Uk.
I'll allow him to relate that story.
Incidentally, he refers to Western Australia as WA - not to be confused with WA in US (confused??)
He is very interested in the native plants, in particular orchids.
He discovered he is on a treasure chest of native plants, right there in his block, and he set about documenting them, and I'll let him tell you more about that!
Naturally, I'm more than a little interested in this project!
Ive a host of emails from Col as he excitedly related has latest discovery, and he kindly shared many of his photos (you'll see some in this forum)
I'm hoping he will get time to make up an IG database or a Flower Genie database with his treasures.
Hes taken a bold new step, as he and his partner Lyn have produced their brand new new web site.
With no further ado, here it is tells me that Lyn has completed 90% of the flora section of the website. Theres more to come!
As you can see, he's also taken up breeding fish - in his spare time, whatever that is.