Author Topic: Higher Knowle, Devon, England  (Read 11607 times)

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Online ideasguy

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Higher Knowle, Devon, England
« on: April 26, 2007, 11:10:37 PM »
I'm very pleased to inform all Flower Genie and Ideas Genie Pro folk that David (registered on the forum this week) has granted permission to allow members to download the new Higher Knowle database.

Davids Higher Knowle Garden is open to the public from March to end of May. More info here:
David supports the NGS charity.

Heres a link with additional info (scroll down to Higher Knowle):
To quote from that page:
The Royal Horticultural Society's magazine, The Garden, described it last year as "a superbly deft example of gardening with the lightest of touches"
designed by a pupil of Lutyens

I converted an existing database into Flower Genie format for David.
646 plants in total.
The Garden has a fantastic collection of Magnolias (68) ,Camellias (70), Rhododendrons (197), plus many other plants

I soon got to know David quite well. He had Windows Vista on his computer, and I had my first introduction to this operating system.
It took one month, phone calls and a daily exchange of emails to get very basic problems resolved. NIGHTMARE!

Note: This database will work with BOTH Flower Genie AND Ideas Genie Pro.
Heres the download link.

This download creates what I refer to as THE SWAP folder, and adds Higher Knowle as a sub folder.
Its name is

Simply accept the defaiult setting on installation.
The download will create the following file structure on your computer:
c:\fgdata_sets\Higher Knowle\fgdata\
The data files are located in the fgdata folder.
Totals disk size only 1.46  mb.

Viewing the database:
Method 1[/b]
Use FG037 (Flower Genie) or GA037 (Ideas Genie Pro)
Click the Data Source pop-up.
The Higher Knowle database will be listed.
Select Higher Knowle.
In Flower Genie, a "Copy" button will appear. You wll be able to copy plants from the database to your own computer.
The copy buttton is also there in IG Pro, but I havent put any program code to it (yet)
You can browse the database using both Flower Genie AND IG Pro

Viewing the database:
Method 2[/b]
In Flower Genie (ONLY at this stage) use the Program Tools>FG026
Select the folder:
c:\fgdata_sets\Higher Knowle\fgdata\

Edited: 26th Apr 07 after I had done my own tests, to say:
Q: What if I already have a folder called fgdata_sets folder, and/or if I already have a SWAP database in that folder.
A: Your existing data will not be affected by this download. Higher Knowle database will be added.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2007, 10:43:24 AM by ideasguy »

Offline greenfinger

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Re: Higher Knowle, Devon, England
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2007, 11:05:38 PM »
I downloaded the content of the Higher Knowle plant database, George. It gives a pretty good overview of this extented plant collection. Perhaps a question of a somewhat spoiled customer: no photos yet?
I noticed a humble exercise in Dutch button translation: it's a most courageous beginning.

Online ideasguy

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Re: Higher Knowle, Devon, England
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2007, 11:23:31 PM »
Thats great that youve got it downloaded Andre.

Unfortunately David doesnt have any digital photos. At this point in time, the database concentrates on the parentage and origin of his plants,and their location in the garden.

However, click to edit a plant, and then click the Google button - it returns some fantastic web sites for plants featuring those cultivars - I got engrossed in Magnolias. Google on Magnolia 'Yellow Bird'
I found this very informative RHS page, and it just went on from there

RE: The Dutch button:
Hey, I know a guy who may translate some more of that text to Dutch  ;)