Thanks for registering, and thanks for posting this Ian.
I was rather surprised to read on the forums associated with the (much larger) Bank Genie competitors that there were complaints about dealing with multi currency.
For others reading who are not Bank Genie users,
Bank Genie can handle any currency individually per Bank Account or Credit Card account.
If all your accounts are US or CA $ or GBP(£) then the Net worth program can simply add the figures and arrive at the Net Worth value .
The problem arises when you have a number of accounts of different currency, as the program needs to convert to a common currency before adding the balances.
I'm looking forward to the challenge of making the Net Worth program cope with multi currencies, Ian.
It really is not a big task to arrive at a simple solution.
I will look first at finding the easiest way possible to allow users to refreshing the conversation rates, within Bank Genie, automatically at the click of a button if at all possible (needs an internet connection).