Gosh, Eric, thats a rare one! (well, in this case - two!)
Ive added it to the Master Database. Its now grown to over 26,000 plants (more about that later in "News") and it doesnt even have that Genus!
I then did a RHS search (you can do this in Flower Genie or IG Pro - simply Edit a plant, and in the Plant Profile screen, click the RHS button)
It gave a page not found. I refined the search to search on the Genus only, and STILL no results.
I hacked with it on Google, and found it offered a genus by name:
When I changed my record in the database to that Genus, I tried the RHS button again. No results. I then refined my search (simply edit the search line in GA100S61 (IG Pro) and click Go (Search)
Up came a list of plants, with suppliers.
However, the species name nearest was:
I edited the plant name again to:
Cichorium intybus
and the RHS button works lovely.
I'm pretty sure this is the same plant you have shown us. ??
It gives me:
intybus 31 supplier(s)
intybus f. album 20 supplier(s)
intybus var. foliosum 1 supplier(s)
intybus 'Roseum' 27 supplier(s)
Tell us more about it please. Hardy? Height? Flower size? Is it a good bloomer?