Author Topic: GA030 - Extended thumbnails functionality  (Read 7821 times)

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Online ideasguy

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GA030 - Extended thumbnails functionality
« on: August 12, 2008, 12:01:45 PM »
Ive done some work to GA030
I'd like users to give it a road test before setting it live.
Heres the link, to allow you to download:

When installed:
Start GA030 - should indicate Version 19
Pick a folder
Click Thumbnails button
If it continues, then thats a thumbs up to the biggest test.
If it gives an error, please let me know.

What happens:
The program makes a temporary folder, and creates a thumbnail for every (jpg) file in the folder you are working with.
This is a bit slow if you have a lot of jpgs in the selected folder, so just be patient.
Screen GA100S57 appears, with all the new functionality.
Play with the buttons:
+ and -
Rotate and un-rotate
All the different <, <<, > and >> buttons, in both + mode and in - mode
Try linking a photo to a plant, and one to a Garden Area

More info:
a) Once the thumbnails have been generated, they can be rapidly accessed.
If you click the Back button in GA100S57, to return to the screen GA030S01, then click thumbnails again, the thumbnails do NOT have to be re-generated.
The thumbnails only need to be re-generated if you select another folder, then click thumbnails again.
Thus for the duration of working with a selected folder, the thumbnails are quickly accessible throughout the program.

b) The program shows 20 thumbnails at a time.
If you have more than 20 images in the folder, you use the > button to advance to the next 20, etc (play with the buttons).
Since the thumbnails are all built, you can quickly > and < through 100's of images.

c) When you click +, the screen is my recreation of Photo Editor, but the difference is, it "talks" to the database, and to the screen GA030S01.
Try this:
select a photo in GA100S01
Click Back
Screen GA030S01 appears, and the same photo is selected

d) You can now link directly in GA100S57 (photos to both Garden Areas and Plants)
i.e. you dont have to return and use GA030S01 for linking (but you can, of course)

e) When you close GA030, the program deletes all the thumbnails, and then deletes the temporary folder.

Feedback would be much appreciated
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 07:37:46 PM by ideasguy »


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Re: GA030 - Extended thumbnails functionality
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2008, 04:53:56 PM »
Another excellent job George.  8)

Here are the results of the Kathy & Laurie UK jury.  George gets the maximum 12 points.
(Just a bit of Eurovision Song Contest humour there George.)   :D

All the tests you requested have been done, with only two small issues found.

I created a folder called TEMP for this test which contained 13 jpg's.

Navigation Buttons Test:

On screen GA100S57 at bottom left, the box correctly showed 1 to 13 (of 13).  Either side of this box I tested the left and right single and double arrow navigation buttons.

With the first thumbnail selected I clicked the DOUBLE RIGHT arrow button and the selection correctly went to the last thumbnail.
Still with the first thumbnail selected I clicked the SINGLE RIGHT arrow button, but instead of going to the second thumbnail I got a message box saying "Already at LAST images".

I then tried this in reverse by selecting the last thumbnail, clicking the DOUBLE LEFT arrow button and the selection correctly went to the first thumbnail.
Then with the last thumbnail selected I clicked the SINGLE LEFT arrow button, but instead of going to the previous thumbnail I got a message box saying "Already at first images"

Rotating images test:

These tests were carried out using both the thumbnail size images and then the full size versions.

The 'Rotate right' button correctly rotates both the thumbnail image and the full size image 90 degrees from vertical to the right, then the 'Rotate left' button correctly rotates both images 90 degrees back to the left again to the vertical position.

Neither image size would rotate to the left though from the vertical position, but this may be a feature you haven't programmed in yet.

Apart from those two points, all other tests performed as you expected.


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Re: GA030 - Extended thumbnails functionality
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2008, 07:40:03 PM »
Thanks for the very quick feedback, Laurie. All is good, in actual fact.

This may help to explain:

1) RE:
On screen GA100S57 at bottom left, the box correctly showed 1 to 13 (of 13).  Either side of this box I tested the left and right single and double arrow navigation buttons.
The left and right single and double arrow navigation buttons on either side of the box are for moving forward 20 photos, and back 20 photos respectively. They dont do anything unless you have more than 20 photos in the folder.
I'll disable them (grey) in such conditions (later)

Note that there are two other single arrow buttons, centre bottom of screen for moving forwards/backwards one photo at a time.

Try adding a few more photos to that folder so there are more than 20 and you'll see all the buttons "doing their thing"
NOTE: Its quite safe to use in any folder with photos - the program does NOT change the originals in any way - it makes temporary thumbnails (very small, very reduced in size copies of your originals), thats all.

What to do to avoid this confusion?
I'll make the program display a message when you hover over each of the buttons.

2) I havent put on a Rotate Left button. I'll do that later this evening.


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Re: GA030 - Extended thumbnails functionality
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2008, 10:33:47 PM »
Try adding a few more photos to that folder so there are more than 20 and you'll see all the buttons "doing their thing"
NOTE: Its quite safe to use in any folder with photos - the program does NOT change the originals in any way - it makes temporary thumbnails (very small, very reduced in size copies of your originals), thats all.

Thanks for that George.

Tried your suggestion and indeed it works as you stated.  I re-read your instructions from your original post and found the bit about 20 or more photos for that button to work.  I had overlooked that bit - sorry.  :-[


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Re: GA030 - Extended thumbnails functionality
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2008, 11:00:54 PM »
No need to apologise about that, Laurie! Most users will hit that screen without having read those instructions, so the things you reported pointed out are the things I have to try and make more obvious (y'know, that word "intuitive")

I'd like to hear feedback from someone using Windows Vista.

Now its back to work on those changes!

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Re: GA030 - Extended thumbnails functionality
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2008, 07:36:45 PM »
GA030 is now released for normal usage.
As of today, it stands at Version 20. Heres a direct link:

All thje things above were included. In addition, a little message appears, top right of screen, when the program is creating thumbnails. Its shows you haow many thumbnails are to be built, and the progress.

Again, comments would be much appreciated.


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Re: GA030 - Extended thumbnails functionality
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2008, 08:31:39 PM »
Bravo George!  ;D

So much more intuitive now you've done those enhancements.

Everything worked correctly as you predicted.  8)

I echo George's request for other members to give him your comments about the new updates.  The more testing that can be done then the wider the range of feedback of all the features, particularly members with different versions of Windows.

I have tested it using Windows XP (but still do them even if you have XP), but I do not have access to Vista.

The tests are so simple to do so please do your best and let George know how you get on by posting your results in this thread.

These features allow greater flexibility for all of us using this software, and we will all reap the benefits.  :)

« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 06:38:23 AM by Kathy & Laurie »

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Re: GA030 - Extended thumbnails functionality
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2008, 10:13:27 PM »
Thanks for road-testing that Laurie, and thanks for your support.
Yes, I would like to hear from others, so replies in this thread would be much appreciated.

Ive updated screen GA100S15 as well, and since that is a common screen, a series of programs have updates.
I'll be posting those over the weekend. Ive been working very late each night this week to get the updates tested in each of the affected programs, and also to release the new version of the Master Database with 30,000 plants. (thanks to all who contributed photos!!)
The first copy was despatched today, with all the new updates, to a new IG Pro customer in USA.

I'll try and finish a bit earlier tonight.
When Ive posted the updates, I'll post a new topic (it will be over the weekend)

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Re: GA030 - Extended thumbnails functionality
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2008, 08:22:25 AM »

Thank you George

My first update for IG pro, worked fine, as does the thumbnail functionality that you described above.

Have got all of the 1000 plants we have, entered, and am now linking my pictures to them, 700 linked so far. And I successfully made a trial DVD.

I have scrapped the database of our plant locations I kept on our website, in favour of using IG pro.


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Re: GA030 - Extended thumbnails functionality
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2008, 10:02:27 AM »
Thanks for the feedback, Malcolm. What version of Windows are you using?

Youve made terrific progress in a very short time 1000 plants added, 700 linked, AND a trial DVD.
That really is quite incredible.
I'm delighted you are finding the system so useful. I'd like to work with you on generating web pages from the software.

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Re: GA030 - Extended thumbnails functionality
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2008, 12:39:53 PM »
Sorry George forgot to say XP.

The plants I have entered don't have many comments on them yet, so not so increible as you may think  :'(

Regarding generating web pages, I will post on another topic this evening.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2008, 12:43:17 PM by Lyn and Malcolm »

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Re: GA030 - Extended thumbnails functionality
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2008, 02:11:59 PM »
RE: using the WPG, you have a wee bit of light reading to do here:,388.0.html

With your recent version of IG Pro, you have only one download to do:

Reading over the thread above will fill you in. Its a bit muddled, perhaps, but you'll "get the drift"