Ive done some work to GA030
I'd like users to give it a road test before setting it live.
Heres the link, to allow you to download:
http://www.ideasgenie.com/updates-igpro/GA030-dl.exeWhen installed:
Start GA030 - should indicate Version 19
Pick a folder
Thumbnails button
If it continues, then thats a thumbs up to the biggest test.
If it gives an error, please let me know.
What happens:
The program makes a temporary folder, and creates a thumbnail for every (jpg) file in the folder you are working with.
This is a bit slow if you have a lot of jpgs in the selected folder, so just be patient.
Screen GA100S57 appears, with all the new functionality.
Play with the buttons:
+ and -
Rotate and un-rotate
All the different <, <<, > and >> buttons, in both + mode and in - mode
Try linking a photo to a plant, and one to a Garden Area
More info:
a) Once the thumbnails have been generated, they can be rapidly accessed.
If you click the Back button in GA100S57, to return to the screen GA030S01, then click thumbnails again, the thumbnails do NOT have to be re-generated.
The thumbnails only need to be re-generated if you select another folder, then click thumbnails again.
Thus for the duration of working with a selected folder, the thumbnails are quickly accessible throughout the program.
b) The program shows 20 thumbnails at a time.
If you have more than 20 images in the folder, you use the > button to advance to the next 20, etc (play with the buttons).
Since the thumbnails are all built, you can quickly > and < through 100's of images.
c) When you click +, the screen is my recreation of Photo Editor, but the difference is, it "talks" to the database, and to the screen GA030S01.
Try this:
select a photo in GA100S01
Click Back
Screen GA030S01 appears, and the same photo is selected
d) You can now link directly in GA100S57 (photos to both Garden Areas and Plants)
i.e. you dont have to return and use GA030S01 for linking (but you can, of course)
e) When you close GA030, the program deletes all the thumbnails, and then deletes the temporary folder.
Feedback would be much appreciated