Well - thats a relief! You like it!!! Thats great Eric.
The WOW is all credit to you Eric, believe me.
Sorry about the geographical error. I don't know how far back my understanding goes that you lived in Wales. I'll fix that!
As for info.
To begin with, when you visit the site, the first item (clicked automatically) in the plants list is Introduction.
I'd be very grateful if you would do a little write up for that page.
Whatever you like, really. The intro page is an introduction to what is being presented - e.g. (suggestion only) a page to tell visitors about you, your garden, your projects, your interests, etc, etc.
I normally put a photo there as well, so if you'd like to nominate one from the collection on the CD's, I'll use that.
I'll be including some of your garden photos in that "Plants List" as well.
You've made It very easy for me in that each jpg file bears the name of the plant.
I had to make some minor adjustments to plant names - all part of the fun.
If its an unknown plant (i.e. not in the Master Database) the process is -
Add the plant to the database
In Edit mode, click the RHS button
If it brings up a direct hit, happy days.
If not (heres a tip to other users) I hack a bit - I change the search line in screen GA100S61
(If the plant name included an apostrophe, the RHS web site gives you a warning message)
Try clicking the G button (will search on the entire Genus), the G+S button (will search for all plants in the species) etc.
If you don't have the name spelled EXACTLY right, you don't get a hit!!!
e.g.this one is typically tricky: Camellia × williamsii 'E.G. Waterhouse'
You must have the dots and spaces exactly in the right place to get a hit.
If I don't get a hit, I then use the Google and BBC buttons
You'll notice on each page thereafter that theres a section called "Review".
Laurie has done a really good job with his projects and has very good info on his site.
Malcolm has mentioned above that he has started writing up his reviews (glad you recovered from that headache yesterday, Malcolm
As time allows, if you'd like to do a little writeup to go with some of your favourite plants, that would add even more interest to the visitor.
As you can see, each plant has its own review, so if data was segregated by plant it makes my job very easy.
That is the longest part of doing each one of those web pages.
That, and researching plants for the basic properties:
Colour, height, spread, Plant Type, AGM
I plan to extend the fields generated by the WPG to include other facts like:
Propagation, Plant Care
As you can see from that, it can get very long winded!
I usually cant wait to do all that. I get it published and work on the finer elements later
Its only when you've done a web site yourself that you appreciate how much effort goes into some of he terrific resources found on the internet.
Enough for now!