I?m sorry but I guess both of you have misunderstood my introductory question on this topic. I guess it was my fault for phrasing it the way I did.
The question did not relate to any particular style of Gardening or planting style.
It was in regard to a posting by George on the topic Demo for Chiltern Seeds recently. In it, he is talking about adding sections to the Chiltern Catalog; one of those was Border Positions (Front, Middle & Back). I asked him what the height perimeters would be on Front, Middle & Back, and he returned with a request to start another Forum Topic about the question, with the Forum Members returning input. Hence, this Topic.
Frankly, those given by me in the example for Zinnias are too short in height. I have seeds for Hollyhocks that will grow above 5 feet tall that as far as I am concerned have a place in my Border Beds.
The reason for it all, is I would like to code my seed data in IG Pro with F/M/B so that if I?m trying to fill a vacant spot in a garden, and I want an orange flowering one, not taller that 24? to place in front of a bird bath, I can find one and start a seedling to fill that position.
I hope this clarifies the question? Still need answers!!
- Toby