Did you know you can "hack" when you get into the screen GA100S61?
If you don't get a hit, edit the text in the Search Term field
Theres a few buttons at the bottom to help you with that.
G takes the name of the plant you entered to begin the search and changes the Search text to Genus only.
G+S takes the name of the plant you entered to begin the search and changes the Search text to Genus and Species only.
G+C takes the name of the plant you entered to begin the search and changes the Search text to Genus and Cultivar only.
Its amazing how well that works to find the name of a plant. As you know, one character out and you don't get a hit.
Typical example of a difficult one is a Cultivar name with a persons Initials
Clematis 'C.W. Dowman'
In cases like that, when I get the name appearing, I click on the link on the RHS page and get to a screen where I can copy the text, then paste that into IG, to get it exactly right.
Heres another tip:
When entering a cultivar name in the edit screen in GA100S02, you can un-check the proper check box if necessary.
You have to do that for that one given in the example above.
Matter of interest, did our IG Pro members know about those two features?