I'll keep you posted here.
I know very well from your very well documented web site that you keep a very accurate record of the weather. I meant to ask you about that before. Do you use a thermometer with a high/low needle? I had one for the greenhouse once, and it worked very well.
And how do you record rainfall?
I think the comment about "for a short time" is a very important factor.
I do remember a few winters when the temperature never rose above zero for perhaps a week or more. Certain death for some tender plants if there had been a lot of rain before the hard frost hit, and in one case there was. 1999/2000?
Anyway, I lost 2 Euchryphia (in pots) and an Azara microphylla that winter. The Azara was planted. I kept it covered at night with newspapers, to no avail. Probably wasnt home from work in time to get the protection on soon enough.
All bought at this nursery:
http://www.seafordegardens.comand heres their page about Euchryphias (they have the National collection, I believe)
http://www.seafordegardens.com/Gardens/Eucryphias.pdfFor the record, a Eucryphia milliganii survived that winter, so if anybody is interested, I think it is a hardier variety that the others.
However, I lost it through neglect. I couldnt decide where to plant it. Its feet needed to be in shade, its top in sun, as I recall.
I'll have to check your plants list to see if you grow any of these ??