Flower Genie ® - Software for Amateur Gardeners

by Ideas for Gardens.com

Website last updated: 18th March 2025

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Flower Genie special download

Preloaded with a database created using the plants
listed in the Chiltern Seeds 2010 Catalogue


Our software products are normally supplied with an empty database, for you to start with a clean sheet to add your own plants and photos.

This download will install Flower Genie on your computer - preloaded with all the 3,919 plants listed in the Chiltern Seeds 2010 catalogue, over 200 web photos and a few sample disc photos.

Please do not use this download if you already have Flower Genie installed on your computer.

This download is temporarily disabled pending update to 2017 plant list

Download Flower Genie with Chiltern Seeds 2010 catalogue preloaded

After you have downloaded the software
Using the database A series of screenshots with captions to explain how to explore the database, add more photos and plants and personalise the database

More info:

Chiltern Seeds are one of the leading seed suppliers in the UK.
They despatch to most countries.

Their seed catalog (at this point in time) doesn’t have photos.
They make up for that with witty and interesting descriptions for each seeds item.

We at ideasforgardens.com have worked with Chiltern Seeds and have produced a downloadable version of the catalog, to ascertain how customers would respond to the availability of a catalog which they could peruse on their home computers.

I raised a topic on our forum, and it was generally agreed by our members that photos make the world of difference when choosing seeds and plants.

They generously offered to share photos for use in catalogs.



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